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Exmoor Magazine

Exmoor The Country Magazine exists to celebrate and explore the unique landscape, communities and way of life of Exmoor and the surrounding area including the Quantocks. The magazine offers readers from near and far alike a well-informed, varied insight into a very special place, through every mood and season.

Established in 1996, the publication is now independently owned by Naomi Cudmore – who also edits, designs and manages the magazine day to day – and

fellow directors Elaine Pearce and Heather Holt.

It seems like the blink of an eye since they joined together in 2010 to keep the publication in the heart of Exmoor but the magazine has gone rapidly from strength to strength, increasing in pagination, quality, distribution and circulation. You can find out more on their website, by following the magazine on twitter or by liking it on facebook.

Exmoor magazine - WinterExmoor magazine - SpringExmoor magazine - SummerExmoor magazine - Autumn

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